Samstag, März 04, 2006

What Has Eyes, Intelligent People Do Not Eat

People, don`t eat us! Please let us live!

Don`t Eat Meat!

Eating meat is cruel
Eating meat makes you sick
Eating meat causes global misery
What has eyes, intelligent people do not eat
Animals have a soul

To justify the boundless exploitation of nature, the following words of the Creator are often quoted: Subdue the earth (Gen.1:28). The word "subdue", however does not mean that animals may be tormented, forests and plants annihilated, or that every everything may be destroyed that is within mandkind`s grasp. The Word "subdue" means the commandment to preserve the nature kingdom and all of the Earth. We are calledd unpon to treat animals with love and to care for them. We are called upon to respect, cherish and love all life forms on Earth, even Earth as a whole, because everything in all things is the work of the Almighty - the love for humans, animals plants and rocks, for the entire Earth.

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