Christ Yes – Church No. Why? – Part 12 – THE FREE SPIRIT: 18/03/2016
Christ Yes – Church No. Why? – Part 12
Jesus of Nazareth on the cross suffered one of the most painful deaths that one can imagine, because His opponents wanted it that way. For the Church, however, the terrible cross of torture is the “throne” to which He ascended voluntarily and the hour of “birth” of its institution. In a way this holds true, because on the Cross of torture they had the Christ of God silenced, and from then on – starting with Paul – the theologians took over. Yet, Jesus of Nazareth is the Free Spirit. He never wanted, let alone established a church. He never ordained priests or pastors and did not instruct anyone to build churches of stone, for every person is the “temple of the Holy Spirit”. The courageous young man from Nazareth did not speak of altars, not of pulpits, not of sacraments. He called people into His following, not into an episcopate. He taught no dogmas and never said that faith alone is sufficient. He did not write a supposedly flawless Bible, but said: “The kingdom of God is within you.” He announced prophets but no official Church hierarchy. Jesus of Nazareth was a man of the people and he was dressed like the people, not in pu